Modernization, Energy Upgrade and Expansion (pier, production units) of the Industrial Unit of Ravago Hellas M.A.V.E.E." of the investment vehicle 'Ravago Hellas Unipersonal Industrial and Commercial Company of Building and Insulating Materials' to the provisions of of the provisions of Law No. 4864/2021 on strategic investments

Inter-ministerial Decision:
Aπόφαση ΔΕΣΕ 89/2023, ΦΕΚ 3209 Β / 16.5.2023
Implementation Entity:
Ravago Hellas Μονοπρόσωπη Α.Β.Ε.Ε.
72657472 €
Project Briefing:

Project Briefing:

The project consists of two sub-projects (A1 and A2) and three complementary projects (B1, B2 and B3) and aims to:

I.  Improvement of the production capacity of the existing plant through the optimisation of the production process,

II. Creation of a new production line for new products; and

III. Increasing the overall production capacity of the plant by increasing the capacity to receive and store raw materials.